Jiawei Renewable Energy is a comprehensive high-tech enterprise which integrates digital energy business and smart lighting business, covering the fields such as wind +solar +energy storage+charging, virtual power plant, and comprehensive energy management.
Jiawei Renewable Energy provides digital energy business solutions in the fields such as wind +solar +energy storage +charging, virtual power plant, and comprehensive energy management, as well as diversified scene-based lighting solutions in the fields such as landscape lighting, smart homes, and commercial lighting.
In May 2012, Jiawei Renewable Energy was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (Stock Code: Jiawei Renewable Energy 300317), serving as the first stock in China’s photovoltaic and LED lighting industry
Green and low-carbon economy is an inevitable choice to promote global sustainable development. Jiawei Renewable Energy will embrace the original intention of entrepreneurs and promote the green energy industry with firm determination
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Creating a better future via innovation-driven and talent-led strategy
1. 项目概况与招标范围
1.1 建设地点:天际汽车(长沙)集团有限公司
1.2 建设规模:约6MW
1.3 并网接入方式及接入电压等级:0.4KV低压并网。
1.4 监理服务期限:2022年11月05日至 2022 年12月31日(预估工期,具体以甲方开工通知为准)
1.5 监理范围:包括但不限于本项目所有光伏发电系统土建、安装、调试,并网接入系统等工程,开工直至竣工验收,所有与本项目电站相关货物开箱验收、并网发电和完成试运行阶段及缺陷整改至移交等全过程的监理工作。监理人员构成:总监工程师1名、专监工程师1名,要求现场配1名常驻监理人员:电气专监1名(常驻监理人员的办公费用、办公家具、食宿费、水电费、差旅费及保险费自理)常驻监理人员的年龄不超过50岁。总监理不常驻,但项目关键进度节点需到现场。
2. 投标文件的递交
2.1 递交投标文件的截止时间及地点:投标文件递交的截止时间(投标截止时间,下同)为 2022年10月20日24时整(如有变化,另行通知)。因新冠疫情原因,本次投标采用网上电子投标方式,投标人应在截止时间前通过电子邮箱递交投标文件。
2.2 本次投标为电子标书,投标文件应经济(价格)标、商务标、技术标单独制作成册,经济(价格)标无需体现在商务标及技术标书中,所有的投标文件均需有效的签字盖章。
2.3 报价原则
2.4 收取标书指定联系信箱
2.5 招 标 人:长沙沃晖新能源科技有限公司