Jiawei Renewable Energy is a comprehensive high-tech enterprise which integrates digital energy business and smart lighting business, covering the fields such as wind +solar +energy storage+charging, virtual power plant, and comprehensive energy management.
Jiawei Renewable Energy provides digital energy business solutions in the fields such as wind +solar +energy storage +charging, virtual power plant, and comprehensive energy management, as well as diversified scene-based lighting solutions in the fields such as landscape lighting, smart homes, and commercial lighting.
In May 2012, Jiawei Renewable Energy was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (Stock Code: Jiawei Renewable Energy 300317), serving as the first stock in China’s photovoltaic and LED lighting industry
Green and low-carbon economy is an inevitable choice to promote global sustainable development. Jiawei Renewable Energy will embrace the original intention of entrepreneurs and promote the green energy industry with firm determination
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Creating a better future via innovation-driven and talent-led strategy
易电充项目位于广州增城万达广场旁,项目地车流量大,由46支快充桩及一个蔚来换电站构成,日充换电用户负荷需求稳定。 该项目采用两充两放策略,光储互补,为客户节约能源费用支出,减少碳排放。同时通过电网需求侧响应服务,获得一定的电网响应补贴。此项目落地能满足用户需求,实现削峰填谷、平抑负荷、需求侧管理等。
珈伟新能以围绕新能源生产、存储及高效利用布局产业链,形成光储充一体化布局模式,为客户提供综合能源解决方案,帮助客户降本增产,提升竞争优势。 公司储能业务板块专注于共享储能、工商业储能、“源·网·荷·储”和虚拟电厂业务,通过不断深化产品服务,积极探索更多的应用场景,加快企业的数字化转型,构建起一体化程度更高的全产业链。 同时,珈伟新能作为一家负荷聚合运营商,也正积极布局虚拟电厂业务。对外参与电力市场交易、与大电网友好互动;对内进行协同优化、自治、运维等精细化管理,参入各地电网公司的需求侧响应和调度,为绿色能源管理、转型、能碳交易贡献一份力量。 广州增城易电充充电桩首批配储项目的顺利完成,不仅是储能业务板块迈出的一小步,也标志着珈伟新能光储充一体化布局正缓缓启幕。这也是适应国内电力体制改革,顺应电力统一大市场,开展光储直柔业务的重要里程碑之一。